Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Delete k2 workflow instances in bulk

K2 workflow instances bloats the database over the time period and at some point you would want to delete the old workflow instance which are completed or in error status.

Unfortunately, there is no way to delete specific instances of workflow, in other words, you could not select specific instance and delete them. However, you can delete then in a bulk.

For instance, you would want to delete old workflow instances, which are completed and occupying the significant space in database. Instances where you are not going to report anything. Or, you just want to delete then as a part of clean up activity.

You can follow below steps to do so.

  1. If you have 4.7 vision installed you can go to management workspace. For older version, you can follow similar steps
  2. Expand workflow server node.
  3. Go to your category to find workflow for which you want to delete workflow instances.
  4. Click on versions.
  5. Select version you want to delete.

6. Check “Delete all historical (log) data for selected versions”

Be careful though, “Delete all historical (log) data for selected versions” option deletes all workflow instances including active as well. Basically, it wipes out all the instances for that version from k2 database.

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