Monday, August 28, 2017

Different ways to create smartobjects from SQL service instance

I asked the question to k2 support, What is the difference between Create and generate smartobject? and they provided below answer, thought would be helpful to share.

There are three different options available to create/manage SmartObject from a SQL Service Instance via SmartObject Service Tester tool:

a.  From service instance > Create SmartObjects
- manages the creation and updates of all SQL SmartObjects of the service instance as well as SmartObject's category as a set (no control over displayname and guid)
- allows for the appending of a string to all of the SmartObject system name (no control over the overall displayname, systemname, guid)
- can be used to update all SmartObject as a set if there are changes to the database objects schema(tables, views, sprocs)
- displayname, systemname and guid will remain the same (if targeting the same set of SmartObject)

b.  From service instance > Generate SmartObjects
- manages the creation and updates of all SQL SmartObjects of the service instance as a set (no control over displayname, systemname, category, guid)
- can be used to update all SmartObject as a set if there are changes to the database objects schema (tables, views, sprocs)
- displayname, systemname and guid will remain the same

c.  From Service Object > Create SmartObject (singular)
- allows for managing of the SystemName/DisplayName, GUID, and category SmartObject is created in
- can be used to regenerate/update the existing SmartObject by targeting the 'SystemName' of the SmartObject (with the 'Check Name' button) and returning the current GUID for this SmartObject (with the 'Get Existing Guid' button) before publishing it again
** if not returning the existing name and GUID, a new SmartObject with different value will be created

* all three options mainly used if there are NO customization with the SmartObject and the default generated functionality is desired; as regenerating the SmartObject with the same SystemName and GUID will remove any customization previously done; if SmartObject was customized, manually changes to these objects in the designer that they were designed in (K2 Designer, K2 Studio, K2 for Visual Studio) will preserve the customization.

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